The top color shall be a golden brown color, evenly covered with black ticking over the back and sides and carried down to a dark gray at the roots. The belly fur shall be as white as possible. There must be a clear line of demarcation between the golden top color and the white underbelly, with no intermingling of the colors or tendency for either color to cut into the other. The width of the white portion is approximately half the width of the colored upper coat, and just visible when the animal is viewed in profile. A line of unticked golden fur shall run right along the demarcation line and extend down the outside of the legs.
Shall be jet black and encircled with distinctive gray fur.
Shall be covered with fine light gray fur bordered with a soft gold to reddish fur and free from ticking.
: Shall be black on top and white below the demarcation line.
Should be white, with a pure white foot desirable. Toenails shall be black in color.
Dull or faded coat; lack of ticking; toenails not of the correct color; lack of a clear, gold line of demarcation.