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This Code of Ethics is presented as a guide for AGS members to promote and foster the highest standards among breeders, owners, and gerbil enthusiasts.


The health and welfare of a gerbil rests squarely in the hands of its owner.

General Conduct


  • Have the welfare of their gerbil(s) foremost in mind and never knowingly or willingly do anything that compromises their well-being.

  • Provide suitable housing, food, and water to foster a healthy and enjoyable environment.

  • Guarantee that all gerbils in their care have access to necessary medical treatment.​

  • Maintain mental health, socialization, and well-being through regular human contact.

  • Ensure that they have the necessary time and resources to properly care for all gerbils in their care.

  • Observe all gerbils on a daily basis for signs of ill health, sufficient water and food supply and to check for signs of declanning.

  • Understand that the welfare of the gerbil(s) in their home is their responsibility. Primary accountability for the gerbil(s) cannot be transferred to others (children).





  • Breeders should develop a short and long term breeding program, keeping in mind the health and temperament of the gerbils.

  • Breeding pairs should be selected with consideration given to temperament, health, vitality, color, and confirmation.

  • Understand the importance of socialization of pups with between ten days and six weeks. Breeders should realistically consider their ability to provide adequate socialization before breeding.

  • Breeders should have a good understanding of the symptoms and treatment for common health issue in breeding and raising pups.​





  • Pups should not be sold until they reach the age of six weeks.

  • Breeders will screen all prospective buyers in order to determine their suitability and their motives for acquiring a gerbil(s).

  • Gerbils placed through pet stores will be placed only to those that have been screened and are qualified: e.g., keep the gerbils in safe bedding and environment, sell them in pairs, and provide accurate care information.

  • Gerbils will not be sold to individuals or to pet stores as feeders. (To be used as snake or reptile food.)

  • AGS members will not sell or place gerbils through distributors, aggregators or wholesalers for third-party sale.

  • Breeders should assume lifetime responsibility for every litter they produce. Accept the return of, or assist in re-homing, gerbils they have bred, should the situation arise.

  • The breeder is responsible to educate new or prospective owners before they take any gerbils home.

  • Gerbils that have mites or are ill will not be sold until the issues is resolved.



Registration and Records


  • Members should maintain records of individual gerbils, breeding pairs, litters, pedigrees, and pup sales.

  • Breeders will provide interested clients with a pedigree, gerbil registration numbers, breeder registration number, and AGS contact information.





  • Owners will never euthanize a gerbil unless it is for a compelling medical reason and is in the best interest of the gerbil. When a gerbil must be euthanized the procedure must be humanely performed.

Code of Ethics

© The American Gerbil Society 1998-2024

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