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Other Standards



The coat color shall be a creamy white down to the skin, with the exception of the rich, apricot to orange color point masking and tail. The range in color is from a golden to a rich orange.


Shall be either ruby (for a RE Schimmel) or dark (for a Schimmel), large and bright.


The ears shall be covered with orange fur.


Shall be white, orange, or black long and bristling.


The skin of the feet is pink. Toenails should be without pigment in color.


The tail shall be covered with fine orange fur, with no more than one half of the tail being tipped in white. There shall be no white hairs in the colored portion of the tail.


White or gray tail; fur of any other color in the coat; toenails not of the right color.

Honey Cream


Coat color shall be white and pale peach over the topcoat giving a blended or mottled “peaches and cream” effect. The peach will fade towards the sides of the animal, with the belly fur being white. The under fur shall be white throughout.


Shall be dark, large and bright. Clear circles of lighter color should surround them.


Shall be dark but covered with fine white fur.


Shall be white, long and bristling.


Shall be white with toenails that are neutral in color (i.e., clear and without pigment).



Either too little or excessive white in the coat; fur of any other color in the coat; toenails not of the right color.



The coat on the back shall be a deep gold down to the roots with a strong, even, black ticking. The color fades towards the sides of the animal to produce a ticked, dark gold belly with a dark ventral line. The overall effect shall be much darker than Golden Agouti. Note that the ticking may be more pronounced in older gerbils. The nose shall appear darker than the rest of the body.


Shall be jet black and surrounded with lighter fur.


Shall be dark, covered with fine golden fur.


Shall be black, long and bristling.


The feet should be darker than belly. Toenails shall be black.


The tail shall be darker than the body, with a black ridgeline of fur on top and a golden underside. The fur on tip of the tuft shall be gold with a minimum of ticking.


Visible molt line; toenails or whiskers not of the right color.



The coat color shall be a creamy white down to the skin, with the exception of the rich, apricot to orange color point masking and tail. The range in color is from a golden to a rich orange. Consideration should be given to the age of the gerbil. While a white coat is ideal, younger Schimmels may have a faded apricot color coat while an older gerbil’s coat may be faded to almost completely white. Pups will be orange in color and may or may not have begun or completed their molt into the adult coat.


Shall be either ruby (for a RE Schimmel) or dark (for a Schimmel), large and bright.


The ears shall be covered with apricot colored fur to match the tail.


Shall be white, long and bristling.


The feet shall be covered with fine white fur. Toenails shall be neutral in color (i.e., clear and without pigment).


The skin of the tail is dark and covered with apricot to orange fur. The tail should retain its color with age.


Missing, dull or faded points; excessive apricot in the body; fur of any other color in the coat; white hairs in the tail; toenails not of the right color.

Silver Nutmeg


The under coat shall be cream throughout. The coat of the back should be cream down to the roots with a strong, even, gray ticking. The color fades towards the sides of the animal to produce a ticked, light cream belly with gray ticking and a dark ventral line. The overall effect shall be darker than a Gray Agouti. The nose shall appear slightly darker than the rest of the body. Feet: The feet shall be darker than the belly


Shall be dark


Shall be lightly pigmented and covered with fine light fur.


Shall be dark, long and bristling.


The feet shall be darker than the belly. Toenails shall be brown.


The tail shall be darker than the body, with a dark ridgeline of fur on top and a cream underside. The fur at the tip of the tuft shall be cream with a minimum of ticking.


Visible molt line; fur of any other color in the coat; lack of ticking; faded, lightened, or off-color coat; white bib, paws, mustache, or chin; toenails not of the right color.

Silver Point


The coat shall be a pure white down to the skin throughout the body with the exception of point areas. The points will be silvery gray. The shading should be gradual and pleasantly blended away from all points, except the tail, which will contrast with shading.


Shall be dark, large and bright.


Shall be covered with short, fine fur of point coloring.


Shall be silver, long and bristling.


The feet shall be of point coloring with dark toenails.


Shall be of silvery gray.


Lack of point coloring or white fur in the points; peach fur or fur of any other color other than white in the body; ticking; toenails not of the right color.

Strawberry Cream


Coat color shall be white and orange over the topcoat giving a blended or mottled “strawberries and cream” effect. The orange will fade towards the sides of the animal, with the belly fur being white. The under fur shall be white throughout. Overall the effect shall be brighter and more vibrant than a Honey Cream.


Shall be red, large and bright. Clear circles of lighter color should surround them.


Shall be pink but covered with fine white fur.


Shall be white, long and bristling.


Shall be white with toenails that are neutral in color (i.e., clear and without pigment).



Either too little or excessive white in the coat; fur of any other color in the coat; toenails not of the right color.

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