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Standard / Adult / Other / Other / Silver Nutmeg / F / 14

WCG Pepper

average rating is 4.1 out of 5

This girl is SO dark, she was entered as a Silver Nutmeg. But the brown shade of her ticking gives her away as an incredibly dark Colorpoint Nutmeg. Most CPNs are lighter than ideal, so it’s no wonder she was misidentified. Not surprisingly, her body color is a bit too dark, making for a less impressive contrast against her points. Her nose point/mask is gorgeous, and she’s got some good color on her feet, but not enough to stand out against the body color. Unfortunately, she stands out in this class as being the only one with significant white on her chin and forepaws. She has an excellent streamlined feminine body type. Short, broad head. Eyes a little too round. Good whiskers. Fur is clean and well-prepared, but she does have some molt lines. Wish I could see her tail properly, what I can make out looks promising.

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