Dark Eyed Honey
The coat shall be deep orange-gold color shading from the spine to the belly, which should be white. There must not be a clear demarcation between the top color and the white belly color. The shading should extend to the head with the forehead being darker and the color reducing towards the eyes, ears and chin. There should be dark ticking running along the spine, across the rump and along the tail. Allowance should be given to pups that may not have fully developed ticking. The undercoat shall be yellow.
Shall be black, large and bright, surrounded by clear circles of lighter color fur.
Shall be dark and covered with short soft fine white fur.
Long and bristling. The top most whiskers shall be dark shading down to the lowest whiskers, which shall be white.
Should be white with dark toenails.
Dull or faded coloring; fur of any other color in the coat; no or little ticking; toenails not of the correct color; white hairs on forehead; dark or banded undercoat.